Friday, October 14, 2011

Winning formula

I had a great opportunity to visit with the Board of Education last night and share information about city finances and our efforts to grow our economy.

We focused on community development and the importance for the city to be visually attractive to enhance its image as we believe that community development precedes economic development.  After all, how can you expect a new business to invest in the community if the city is unwilling to do so itself?

I shared a number of slides (way too many I know) about the improvements that have been made:  streetscape; downtown; and educational; to name the most important few.  Luckily the slides were primarily photographs of attractive changes to our community that have taken place - new street signs, entrance signs, landscaping, decorative streetlights, and their favorite, the new Fairmount Elementary School.

My message was simple:  winners want to be with winners.  Let's win.