Monday, November 14, 2011


It's always good to combine healthy living activities and team building activities together - and even better when you win doing it.

This year, the City of Bristol is proud to recognize its own with a second place overall finish in the 2011 Bristol Health Challenge.

In addition to overall second place, our team took second place for total workouts (825) and total weight loss (150 pounds) during the eight-week challenge.

Wow - that's an average of almost one workout every day by every member for eight weeks straight. Now that's commitment. And at 150 pounds lost, our average team member shed 10 pounds during the challenge - way to go.

Here's to Alan, Billy, Charlie, Darlene, David, David, Jack, Jeremy, Kristi, Mandy, Matt, Megahn, Sandra, Tim, and team captain Mike.

You all should be proud - we sure are.