Wednesday, July 13, 2011


When traveling to a city, often time what is the first place you want to see? The downtown of course.  Downtown is a special place in most every city because it is unique (no two are the same) and it belongs to everyone - it's everybody’s neighborhood. The heart of a city starts in the downtown and emanates out to the rest of the community making it a special and important place.

Because it's everybody's neighborhood, special emphasis is placed downtown. We've made remarkable strides over the past years in making our downtown an attractive and desirable place with new decorative street lights, decorative signage, seasonal banners, public art, and street furniture. Our public investment no doubt encouraged private owners to invest too - and their commitment is obvious and the most important part of the transformation that has occurred.

The latest phase of new decorative street lights were just installed on Shelby Street between Volunteer Parkway and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, as well as in the Shelby Street municipal parking lot. The next phase of lighting will place decorative lights on 6th Street, 7th Street, and 8th Street between Shelby Street and Anderson Street. Be watching for that improvement in the next few months.

State Street - The birthplace of country music.