The steering committee overseeing the preparation of a Strategic Economic Development Plan met Monday evening - the 6th such meeting held to date.
The committee heard presentations on the downtown by Vicie Dotson representing Believe in Bristol Inc.; as well on Special Opportunities by Allen Hurley and Dr. Greg Jordan. They also entered into a conversation on the use of local incentives as an inducement to cause development to happen.
The committee will next be meeting in small groups over the next month to draft the plan with goals and objectives in the key results areas of General, Downtown, Hospitality and Tourism, Education, Retail and Manufacturing, and Healthcare. This will be followed by presentations to the full steering committee for feedback and then drafting of the final plan will begin.
The committee remains energized and shows great passion to the assignment and to the results that they see are within our reach. I can't help but to once again express my appreciation for their fine work for the betterment of our community.